Are you able to work with your hands? Do you find measuring to exact dimensions is simple for you? Would you love to be able to create useful products in your spare time? If so, the hobby of woodworking is truly for you. In fact, you might even be able to turn it into a career with the tips below.
Before you get started on any woodworking project, do some research on the type of wood you will be using. Different types of wood absorb paint and stain differently, some too much, and some not enough. If you aren’t certain about what kind of wood you will need, just ask for help.
Be sure you understand what is possible under your budget. Many times you might think on a grand scale, but in reality you don’t have the money to complete the project. It’s easy to get so excited to make something and then not have the money to complete the project. Do the homework before you begin, so you can avoid any surprises.
Clean your saw’s teeth before cutting lumber. To thoroughly clean your saw blade dip a shop rag into a little acetone and wipe the blade thoroughly. Additionally, using a piece of sandpaper that has a fine grit will remove any sap or gumminess from your skill saw’s cutting blades.
Use hot glue instead of clamps for little things. When cutting, filing, sanding, or finishing something small, use the hot glue gun to glue the piece to your pedestal stick. The glue holds holds just like clamps, if not better than clamps. It also works great for things that clamps will not work on. When you finish your project, loosen it gently with a putty knife.
Before practicing advanced woodworking techniques, make sure you’ve got the basics down. Typically those advanced techniques rely on you knowing the basics like the back of your hand. If you don’t, you’ll more than likely find learning to be a very frustrating experience. So start slow, and work up from there.
Keep a ruler inside your pocket, and make sure it stays put. Buy a metal ruler, and try keeping it in the same pocket as the smaller telescoping magnet you use to pick up loose metal screws. The magnet keep both items tight in your pocket.
When you find a nice level spot on your workshop floor for your table saw, it can be difficult finding the same spot after you put your saw away. When you do find a level spot, use duct tape on the floor so you know where to position your table saw next time you need it.
If you’re looking for that first woodworking project, how about starting with a simple box? In fact, that’s probably the most popular first woodworking project out there. Buy some cheap wood that you like, and design a box that could work around your home. Maybe it’s for writing utensils, or perhaps it’s for the kitchen? There are a lot of options.
Regardless of your current skill level, the tips above should help you improve your technique. Take each into your mind as you use them when you work. If you can integrate them into your current procedures, you’ll find that the time you spend working with wood will improve day by day.